Monday, May 25, 2009


Islam is an official state religion in Bahrain where Muslims constitute 98% of the population.

Shi’a Muslims are about 70% of all Muslim population, and Sunni are about 30%. In fact, “the ruling family and the majority of government, military, and corporate leaders are Sunni Muslims” (U.S. Department of State). Legal system is based on Islamic law and English common law.

There is no evidence of such sects such as Wahhabism in the country.

Islam as a religion arrived in Bahrain in 7th century C.E. when its ruler Munzir ibn Sawa Al Tamimi and the majority of its inhabitants converted to Islam.


U.S. Department of State. “Background Note: Bahrain.” (accessed May 25, 2009)

Central Intelligence Agency. The World Fact Book. (accessed May 25, 2009).

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