Friday, May 29, 2009

Architecture in Bahrain

1. Suq al Khamis Mosque, or Thursday market Mosque – the most famous mosque in Bahrain built in eleventh century C.E. by the order of two dignitaries, Abdulla Bin Bahlool and Abu Al Waleed Musallam. It is located “in the southern suburb of Manama, four kilometers away from Al Khamis town” (Arch Net). Nowadays, the building has two main phases. “An older flat roofed prayer hall is supported on wooden columns, and a newer section with a flat roof is supported on arches resting on stone piers” (“Architecture”). Unfortunately, no pictures were found.

2. Sheikh Isa House – the 1830 palace located in Muharraq area of Bahrain. It surrounds four courtyards, and there are spectacular stucco panels in the upper roomsof the house. It now represents a national monument. This palace is a good representative of local architecture and traditional life of 19th century; it is characterized by wall carving, wind tower, and lattice work.

(Pictures available from:

3. Bahrain World Trade Center. “The twin triangular shaped towers” are located above a sculpted three-story podium. Each tower has height of 240 m and is visually attached to the ground by “a concertina of curved, sail-like forms” (“Bahrain”). There are 34 floors of office space and a viewing platform on the 42nd floor. More importantly, the building features “three 29 m diameter wind turbines horizontally supported on the bridges” (“Bahrain”). These turbines are to generate about 11-15 percent of the overall electrical consumption of the trade center.

(Picture available from:


Arch Net. “Suq al-Khamis Mosque.” Arch Net. Digital Library. (accessed May 29, 2009).

“Architecture in Bahrain.” (accessed May 29, 2009).

“Bahrain World Trade Center, Manama Development.” E-architect. (accessed May 29, 2009).

‘’Sheikh Al-Isa House.“ KaPepe's Photojournal. (accessed May 29, 2009).

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